Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Isabelle's Birth Story

Towards the end of 2015 we found out we were pregnant for the fourth time. I had gone to a doctor and they told me my due date was September 2nd 2016. This first trimester was viscious as I was constantly throwing up from morning sickness etc. Not to mention all the bullshit and drama that happened while I was pregnant. We had made the decision to not tell my side of the family since my family is always so judgemental since they don't like my husband or our life at the time etc.

Now onto the second trimester, I was still suffering from morning sickness and this pregnancy really took it's toll on me. Baby was healthy etc. I went to a doctor appointment to have blood drawn and they asked if I wanted to do the blood test to see what I was having. I of course said yes. They told me everything looked great and they will call me in a few days to let us know what we are having. A few days later we got the phone call of our fourth baby. It was another girl. We really wanted a boiy but we didn't care as long as the baby was healthy. Matthew had her full name picked out literally the next day.

Third trimester, Once a week doctor appointments etcs. Everything was still going well, sickness had subsided etc. We were anxiously awaiting our baby girls entrance. My last doctors appointment was Septemeber 2nd 2016, they told me that since she hasn't come yet they will induce me the 9th. I was scared as I had never been induced before. So on the morning of the 9th, we got to the hospital at 6am. They started the pitocin about 7am etc. Around 5 or so, They said we were ready to push etc. Matthew and I were watching White Chicks at the time and they continued to let me push when I felt the need to. I pushed a good three times and got her head out and then they pulled her out.

They weighed her and she was 8lbs 15oz. We named her Isabelle Alexandria. She's named after her dad. Funny story is I loved the name Isabelle for Brooklyn but Matthew didn't like it at the time. I thought it was funny when he picked the name Isabelle. Isabelle was definitely meant to be Isabelle just like Brooklyn was meant to be Brooklyn.

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