Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hayley's Birth Story

So where should I Start? Hmm december sounds good.

So shortly after my mom's visit last December we found out we were expecting our 5th child. I went to a doctor on December 18th and got confirmation we were indeed about 6 weeks pregnant. I didn't announce my pregnancy or my child's birth on facebook for reasons. I scheduled a regular doctor appointment and they gave me my due date which was August 8th 2020. I had horrible morning sickness all first trimester, second trimester was a breeze, third trimester was up and down lol. August 4th was my last appointment and I was 39 weeks and 3 days. They told me if I didn't have baby by next week they would induce me. Well sure enough, I didn't wanna be induced again so I prayed and prayed that baby would come on it's own. Sure enough prayers were answered as I went into labor on my own around 4 am on the 7th.

I went to the hospital got epidural around 11 am when I was at 6cm. I later gave birth to a beautiful 8lbs 3oz baby girl! She was/is perfect. She looked just like Rayna when she was born. Surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and by day 3 after surgery I was back doing everything I usually do. It's a bittersweet moment with my last baby!

Special thanks to my beautiful sisters who helped while my husband had to go to work, my amazing momma, my best friends who supported me and my choice throughout my pregnancy and throughout raising 5 children and thank you to my husband Matthew Hudson who even though he had to work, checked on me and baby girl and thank you for always finding a way even if we struggle at times. I love my village that I have for me and my children.