Monday, January 23, 2017

Healing Relationships

It's a new year and I decided that I wanted to start writing again. I just enjoy writing and being able to vent or give my opinions without dealing with so much controversy. I will say this is my blog where I post what I want, when I want without caring what people think. If you don't like what you read please feel free to not read my blog at all.

One night I was up late thinking about how broken some of my family relationships are/were. So I took a huge step and apologized for something as simple as calling Matthew my husband when we arn't legally married yet. However, we are engaged. I did apologize and it took a lot for me to do so. Especially to someone who has said some very hurtful things to me. On a better note, We are working on our relationship and I hope that one day we can get back to where we use to be before things went bad.

This specific family member was my best friend. However, we have come to a decent place where our daughters can get to know each other through emailing each other. I love that they are able to do this especially since they are cousins and should be able to communicate no matter what the issue is between their parents. I can tell you one thing, it puts a smile on my Rayna's face when I tell her that she has a email from her cousin. Rayna loves being able to talk to her and I hope it can stay that way. I hope eventually they will be able to meet, talk on the phone, etc. However, we are taking it slow and step by step. It's definitely a start. Seeing my daughter so happy about this little step makes my heart flutter with happiness.

Just because the parents have issues doesn't mean it should affect the kids being able to talk to each other and communicate to get to know their cousins. Trusting the other adult might not be easy for either one of them but it's a start to move forward. I have also contacted one of my sister's in law to ask some questions and turns out we heard so many things from other people, instead of coming to each other about it first. The best thing to do is ask that person instead of assuming what you heard is true. I love all my family and would love to have a good relationship with all of them. I'm working on my relationship with my sister and it's not gonna be a easy road but it will be worth it in the long run. I don't have a relationship with my dad hardly at all anymore. I don't get calls or texts unless I text or call them first, I'm blocked by him on social media and that's okay.

I'm finally taking the steps needed to heal the relationships that have been broken for years and it's time to show who I truly am, instead of people seeing who they want to see. I still have my facebook which you can add me if you'd like.

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